A Perfect Long Weekend

Thanksgiving weekend just passed, and it was absolutely perfect. It also happened to be my first full weekend off in over a month and a half – so that alone was amazing!

On Friday, all I wanted to do was take my pants off, drink wine and chill on the couch with Nick and the puppies – and that’s exactly what we did.

Saturday was a perfect day, from beginning to end. Nick and I headed to Little Italy and had fresh deli sandwiches from Di Rienzo’s while sitting on a picnic table facing a basketball court. With the red and orange leaves in the background it was a beautiful view. The food was delicious. If you live in the Ottawa region, make sure to check out Di Rienzo’s for the best sandwiches you will ever taste!


Bball court

After our lovely lunch we drove around Little Italy and Chinatown, and decided to stop and have some gelato. Ever since my trip to Italy I’ve been obsessed with gelato. There, I ate tiramisu gelato, every day, twice a day. Obsessed.

icre cream

Later on in the night we decided to go out in the market and have some drinks and food while we watched the hockey game. It was a perfect night, a perfect day.

On Sunday, I was viciously hungover, and I headed to my sister’s house to hangout, and run some errands together. We also decided to go on an impromptu adventure to feed the ducks near her house. This involved almost falling into the water a few times, being circled by vicious seagulls, stepping in mud and getting prickly-plants stuck in my leggings. Essentially, my favorite kind of adventure, lots of silliness involved! We eventually managed to get close to some of the ducks and fed them some bread. Afterwards, we did some shopping which involved the usual cry-laughing and creating havoc in the stores. Because, sisters. #FSU


I spent the rest of my night watching movies, playing Borderlands and Army of Two: Devil’s Cartel with Nick.

On Monday we had a puppy spa day at our apartment and gave the girls baths and haircuts. They smell so nice now! Lily however, has never been a huge fan of her grooming process, as you can see in the picture below:

lily bath

Afterwards, we visited Nick’s parent’s house and had dinner with his family. The food was beyond delicious, and as if turkey dinner couldn’t get any better, dessert was: ICE CREAM CAKE! I’m starting to realize that I have an obsession with anything and everything ice cream related.

It was so nice to spend some time with them and a great way to end my perfect long weekend.



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